Discovering Art
Discovering Art
discovering art

Discovering Art

Discovering Art was somewhat different for me. I remember when I was a child, I would spend hours looking at paintings in books. The mystery and intrigue of the images that could be created with just a few strokes of a paintbrush intrigued me. Even more so when people called them ‘pictures’. Many years have passed since then, yet my love for art has never diminished.

My first memory of going to an art gallery is unforgettable. I would look at the world’s largest collections of paintings by well-known artists and wonder if my artwork will ever earn a place on those walls.

I was spellbound by the beauty of the paintings, and the fact that they were painted with a purpose in mind made them seem even more special.

I always wanted to have my own collection of ancient sculptures. The fascinating thing for me about these objects was that they weren’t always appreciated by the public but were hidden away in a room where only certain people could see them.

The same applied at universities’ museums where some interesting pieces found their way into storage never to be seen again. It made me wonder why this was happening when clearly there must be so much more out there waiting to be discovered or rediscovered?

When did I first know I was an artist?

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to paint. I guess that was when discovering art became easy for me. My first memory is of me painting, sitting on the floor. That painting remains etched in my mind.

When I was little, anything artistic would make me very happy. If you drew or painted something for me, it made my year!

I grew up surrounded by creative people; what they produced inspired me to do the same. Being inside an art gallery didn’t seem like work because everything around us was so beautiful and life-changing that time seemed to stand still whilst there. Even the air felt different because of all that creative energy that filled our lungs whenever we entered one of these buildings; you knew you were somewhere special where only good things could happen.

I’m an artist by heart, if I could define myself in one word it would be that. Sometimes life has beaten me down so much that I’ve lost my way but the one thing that always brought me back to the centre was drawing; creating something from nothing. That’s when I knew that this is what art means to me; to share it with others and help them feel like they’re not alone.

I believe art can heal people, especially those who are broken or hurting inside because of past experiences. Art allows us to experience things we may never have thought possible; it also helps us make sense of things in our lives and sometimes gives us a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

To this day, I’ve never lost my curiosity for the power of discovering art. It’s not a coincidence that artists are passionate about their work. They have an intuitive understanding of what they do and why they do it which makes them special to all those who truly believe in its purpose. Art can be a way of expressing emotions or communicating something important, whether you’re creating paintings inspired by your surroundings or life, there is no right or wrong way to make art; it is personal.

Art allows us to create our own universe where anything is possible; it’s like travelling without moving because you take yourself with you wherever you go whenever you look at any form of contemporary art. This may be the reason why many people say they lose themselves when staring at a painting; it’s because that lonely and sometimes dark place we go to inside ourselves can suddenly be lit up by something as simple as an artist’s choice of color.

I believe we’re always learning and improving our skills, we just need to find the right medium for us. We may not even realise what it is until later in life or after spending years trying out different things. Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what your calling is, there are so many routes to take with art and one of them will lead you to where you belong. All you have to do is keep creating because one day, without meaning to, you might find that you’ve become an artist; it just happens.

What is modern art anyway?

I don’t know where that phrase came from because art is all around us. It’s in the clothes we wear, the buildings we live in and even the cars we drive! I believe everything has a modern twist to it if you look hard enough. Some would say time is money so it follows that everything nowadays should be much faster paced than before, right? Well, think about how life was back then compared to now…

Nothing was instant because there were no microwaves, telephones or internet; therefore people had more time on their hands which could only mean one thing; they must have spent more of their time creating beautiful things instead of rushing around like crazy trying to get things done.

Discovering Art is a process

Discovering Art is a process. Art was everywhere because everyone who lived during this time had to do something with their hands; they could either sew clothes for a living, knit or make things like furniture. This meant that art was sewn into everyone’s lives because it helped them relax and take their mind off things because what else is there to do when you’re cooped up inside all day but keep yourself busy?

Art has always been around us! We just need to look out for it instead of dismissing it as rubbish. Imagine how our society would change if everyone saw art in everything? That’s why I say that we should always be open-minded about the world around us because otherwise, we might miss out on some amazing opportunities.

Everyone is an artist at heart so don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise! If you want to create something that makes you happy then do it. You might never show anyone but at least it will be there waiting for you when you’re ready. I believe art is very therapeutic because it always helps us by demanding our full attention. We cannot think about work or life’s problems while looking at a piece of contemporary art unless we want to miss out on its true meaning!

Art can make us laugh or cry, sometimes both on the same day. If an artist says something which offends us then they are making their point loud and clear which is why I believe everyone should be open-minded enough to listen before passing judgement on someone else’s work without really understanding them first. Art has no limits so why should have to follow any rules?

This is what I believe art means to me… can you say the same? If so, then I don’t think there is anything more that needs saying!

People always ask me how long it took to write my article on modern art so it would be great if you could tell them all about it.

Thank you for all of your help and I hope this reaches as many people as possible.

If you have any suggestions or comments on what you want to read next then please send me a message on my Instagram page.

Keep creating, keep discovering art, never stop learning!

You can check out my other art pieces here 🙂

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