Mixed Media Art- Find Your Inspiration!
Mixed Media Art- Find Your Inspiration!

Mixed Media Art- Find Your Inspiration!

Finding inspiration may seem like a daunting task if you’re just starting out, let alone creating mixed media art on a daily basis. I feel that this is one art that reflects a combination of all your previously learned skills put into one project. It’s the perfect opportunity to use everything you’ve had plenty of practice with and make something new from it!

In this blog, I will be exploring the concept of mixed media art, how it can be classified as unique or authentic and some ideas for finding inspiration for yourself.

But first, a bit about where it all started

Collage, a form of mixed media that had been around since the 1800s, was first used by Cubists such as Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in 1912. The art form grew in popularity as artists evolved more open views to the media of art. Surrealists, Abstract Expressionists, Pop Artists, and Brit Artists joined the mixed-media movement and broadened the lexicon of art.

What is Mixed Media?

Art is a wide range of visual or performed works that convey the creator’s thoughts and talents while also appealing to the senses and emotions of the viewer. Art can be produced using a variety of materials. This is one such artwork that contains elements from several different sources.

You can create one using two or more mediums

For example, acrylic paint mixed with watercolour paper, oil paint mixed with collage elements etc. This art form has been around for decades and has seen a resurgence in the last decade.

“I believe that Mixed media is not just an art form, it epitomises the artists’ emotions, intuitiveness, and elements that are unique to their personalities.

mixed media art inspiration

What makes this art form so unique?

At times, mixed media art uses only one medium, or other forms of multiple media artwork, which separates the different artistic elements into individual works. This art form makes the finished product more than just a sum of its parts.

The entire process of creating a masterpiece allows artists to transform ideas and concepts into something tangible yet still retain their originality.

Does this art form have limitations?

There are no two pieces that look exactly alike in this style of artwork. This is because there is always some element added in by hand – this is what makes every artwork unique and this is what makes every artist different and unique alike.

Moreover, this art does not impose limitations on those who do not know how to draw or have poor fine art capabilities. It’s a field that anyone who is interested in creating something may get involved in.

It takes a particular set of skills and creative use of specific materials to create an artwork in which this kind of mixed artwork is utilized. That said, if you are self-taught, you can always explore a few other styles and see which one works best for you.

Tips to help you get started!

“As a mixed-media artist, my artwork reflects my own unique personality and creativity.”

Most artists work with a range of materials in one piece. Begin by looking around you for inspiration. But first, you will need a solid material to act as a foundation, such as paper, a sketchbook, a box, or anything else you may have handy.

Start by working with media you are already familiar with. You may add highlights to watercolour paintings using coloured pencils or markers. You may assemble photographs in your work by rearranging components on paper, catalogues, stamping or wrapping paper and then glue them to a surface such as paper, canvas, or woodblocks.

Experiment with different, innovative methods in mixed media. Make your work using a light-hearted, spontaneous attitude and keep things enjoyable!

It may be hard to believe, but most artists who work in this field and are recognized may come from all walks of life. Few may have formal training in fine art or have worked in the trade.

Fact is, few are self-taught, just as many painters are. Either way, you can promote your Artwork portfolio and attract clients.

Check out my mixed media art here!

“Faith Ringgold takes old paintings and adds her own touch to them by painting over them with bright colours and patterns to create new mixed-media pieces of art.”

To make mixed media art forms like assemblages, recycling, journaling, and collages, various materials such as cloth, wood, paper, and others can be used. The key distinction between multimedia art and mixed media art is the presence of non-visual components such as video, sound, or text in multimedia art while only visual elements exist in mixed media.

Since mixed media uses several mediums to create art, there are many possibilities when you begin creating yours. The artist can decide what mediums to use in their project, how much of each medium to include or whether or not they should mix traditional with non-traditional artistic tools.

Such art projects allow the artist to experiment with unique combinations that will result in authentic works of art! Authentic artwork reflects who the artist is because it contains elements from their life experience; things they’ve noticed or felt or experienced.

Few tips on how to find inspiration!

1) Look around

What’s going on in the world? Are you surrounding yourself with negative images and experiences? Acknowledge them and let go of anything that doesn’t make you feel good, happy and free.

If I’m feeling down about something, I’ll take a break from the project I’m working on because being unhappy makes me unhappy. If there’s something really bothering me, then it’s time to take a break from my mixed media artwork and do something else.

2) Create lists of words and phrases you like

Words: strength, growth, beauty, grace, love Artistic Phrases like mixed media represents the artist’s inner world; it encourages experimentation; it is an authentic expression; it is a dreamlike amalgamation.

3) Be inspired by nature

Being in nature brings me peace and allows me to see my surroundings with new eyes. Take a walk outside or find some natural objects to create your unique artwork with! Nature has so much inspiration to offer us.

4) View the work of other Artists

tell yourself “I can do that” and go for it! Most mixed media artists started out drawing or painting on their own before they mixed the elements together.

5) Be open to new experiences

Do something that scares you, makes you nervous or isn’t in your comfort zone. Being uncomfortable is how we grow and learn new things!

6) Watch mixed media tutorials on YouTube

You could visit my Instagram page for some inspiration.

7) Find some quotes that inspire you

Post them around your studio/room/desk for everyday inspiration.

8) Let go of anything negative

Let it goooooo!!! Also, surround yourself with positive people who encourage your creative growth. You don’t have to spend time with people who make you feel bad; this is your life and you get to choose who you spend it with.

9) Surround yourself with art supplies like paper, paints, glue, tape etc.

10) Clean out your art stash

Every artist has a different way of creating so find what works for YOU.

There are many ways to find inspiration when indulging in this art form. You can take advantage of all the opportunities around you. Surround yourself with art-related tools and materials while watching tutorials on YouTube.

Create your masterpiece that reflects who you are. Create ones that are authentic and contains pieces of your heart.

A bit about me

As a Mixed Media Artist, I use this art form as a channel to heal from past experiences and encourage others to do the same. I enjoy creating unique masterpieces that can bring some joy, harmony, serenity, hope and healing into the lives of my customers.

I hope this article was helpful to you – if so, please share it with your friends.

Let’s create artwork that inspires!

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