Mixed Media Art Pieces: Passion & Pleasures
Mixed Media Art Pieces: Passion & Pleasures
Mixed Media Art

Mixed Media Art Pieces: Passion & Pleasures

It’s probably very obvious, but I love to spend my time working on Mixed Media Art pieces. Not every day, only when the mood is there. It doesn’t matter if it was made by an artist with a name or not or how much it costs in galleries or auction houses.

Nowadays, I don’t even know what most paintings are called anymore – sometimes they look like abstractions and at other times completely photographic…

What excites me in a mixed media art piece?

The thing that excites me is the most intriguing mixed media art pieces that pull me into another world of emotions. Or better yet, one that can make you feel nothing at all. Nowadays there are lots of painters with their own unique styles trying to achieve this same goal which makes it hard for me to pick my favorite artists. But when I do, it would be the one that captures my attention and can be my main source of inspiration:

The true artists are the ones that manage to put their own mystic into the world hidden from our eyes. They have no limits or boundaries and they’re not afraid to take risks.

Mixed Media Art Piece Work is not a hobby, it's a life.

Every single mixed media art piece is a part of the good, bad and ugly that made up that artists’ life. It doesn’t matter what kind of art it is or where it’s from because it will always have some little details to offer with stories behind them.

If you take a close look at my art pieces, each has its unique story. And, through Art, I hope my passion can spread among other people in some way or another, even if it’s just for a moment in time.

Mixed Media Art - Soulmate

Making Art My Passion

“Art is…something which makes our dreams come true – something we never stop pursuing!”

Every single one of us started learning from someone, even if we don’t know who that someone is. I like to think it was our subconscious mind and intuition – the ability to see and create things differently than other people do. You can learn all you want, but in the end, it’s your own personal passion for art that will make the real difference.

Even though I guess sometimes things get lost in translation when you start getting involved in something new – especially when other people try to teach you how to do it… But please believe me when I say this: there’s nothing wrong with trying or failing; not every master was made overnight! And let me tell you, even if it takes years for you to perfect your own style, the feeling of doing something that makes you happy is definitely worth it.

Timeless Art and Technology

“And no matter how old, art is a timeless beguiling beauty that never perishes.”

Today’s artists are lucky enough to have all these new technologies at their disposal thanks to science and civilization. From cameras to computers and other gadgets, they’re all a part of the creative process today. Of course, I don’t think it will ever beat a real pencil or paintbrush in the end, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t taking advantage of what technology has to offer.

One sad thing about this is that some artists lose themselves along the way by becoming too dependent on these new tools – especially photographers – instead of using them as an addition to their own artistic visions. Others stay true to themselves and use technology just for experimentation which is definitely something I can appreciate. It’s endless fun!

The good thing...

I guess you could say one good thing about this is that great artists who actually know how to master every single medium are able to do more than one thing. Mixed media art has become a huge trend recently and this is an excellent example of artists working together to create something unique.

Making good art comes down to one simple word: love. Whether you love your job or simply love what you do for a hobby doesn’t matter that much because the point is that if you don’t feel it then it won’t come out right in the end no matter how perfect all those new tools might be.

The only way to tell if someone truly loves what he’s doing is by looking at their artwork. If there’s passion there, you can see it as clear as day…

So let yourself loose. Grab on the paintbrushes, and paints, and get going!

To get inspired, visit my Instagram page.

What are your small guilty pleasures with ART?

Comment below!

Until next time… Stay blessed!

That said, don’t forget to check my gallery 🙂

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