Creative Art Block? Learn to Unblock!
Creative Art Block? Learn to Unblock!
Creative Art

Creative Art Block? Learn to Unblock!

Do you get a creative art block? Have been so busy with work or family that you have completely had no time for yourself to think of new ideas?

Have been stuck on the same project for days and can’t seem to come up with something unique?

Want to solve a problem but just cannot find any solution?

Then worry not, here are some ways that can help you unblock when you have a creative block.

How to unblock when you have a creative art block?

1) Create an environment conducive to creativity: This is perhaps one of the most important things people tend to forget while trying to be creative. Do your best to create a conducive environment full of fresh air and natural light. Also, try playing soft music in the background if it helps. It really does make a difference.

2) Limit yourself: This is a great way to get a theme or an idea out of your head. Set up boundaries for yourself, like only using the pencil (or pen!) and paper you have now, or limiting yourself to drawing on one part of the page. It’s amazing what seeing those boundaries around you will do.

3) Sketch without stopping: Try this- draw continuously for 15 minutes. Do not stop. No matter what comes out of your pencil (or pen!), keep drawing continuously without thinking too much about whether it will work or not. You might end up surprising yourself with some pretty neat stuff.

4) Take breaks in between: When working at something creative, it is important to take breaks every now and then to rest your mind and look at what you have done with a fresh perspective. Take a walk, relax, or watch something funny on TV. You will find that you come back renewed.

5) Let go of perfection: It is important to let go of the need to create perfection in your work when trying to be creative. This way, you are more likely to start off without fear or worry about whether your work will be perfect or not. That said, do try drawing the best you can- it makes for better practice after all.

6) Relinquish control: When attempting creativity, do not try controlling everything that comes out of your pencil (or pen!). Try looking at the world from an outsider’s point of view often. This way, you will be able to discover ideas and perspectives that you would not otherwise have discovered.

7) Follow your ‘mistakes’: Try this- purposefully draw a bunch of mistakes and then see what happens. Often we overlook mistakes we make as just that- mistakes. But try thinking about them as opportunities for new creativity and inspiration.

8) Change the medium: When working on a project, change the medium every now and then to keep things fresh. For example, if you are working on a painting, switch from oil paints to watercolors or acrylics every now and then. You might find yourself becoming more creative in ways you didn’t even expect.

9) Dream big: Sometimes when we wake up from a dream, our subconscious is still working its magic on the dream we have just awoken from. So try recording your dreams in a journal or notebook and see what comes out of them.

10) Change perspective: Try looking at something you are working on from an outsider’s point of view by taking a photograph of it with your phone, for example. You might find that this helps further your creativity in ways you didn’t expect.

11) Think about nothing: Sometimes when we think too much, we end up limiting ourselves through expectations and projections about what might happen if we make a mistake. Try relaxing and not thinking too hard about all this for a while, and focus instead on enjoying yourself! This will also help release stress if you are feeling particularly tense.

12) Think about everything: This is a slightly more advanced tip for the more experienced artist or a creative person who wants to start off in a new direction with their work. Try thinking about your favorite memories, loves and hates in life, and try drawing them out! It may not make sense immediately but it is an interesting way of trying something new when you feel stuck.

The Artist: Unblocked!

Creative Art

The key to being creative is all in the mind, so you must relax and let your imagination take over. Without limits or rules, you can create unlimited possibilities for yourself! All inspiration comes from deep within- it’s just about letting that creative force flow through you without hesitation.

Through the tips presented here, you will find yourself becoming more inspired, creative and capable of creating unlimited works of art!

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Happy creating!

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